A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Lost tracks
Luna - Roll in the Sand
Roll in the Sand was released as the b-side of Luna’s cover of Wire’s Outdoor Miner on Spanish label Radiation in 1996 … and then disappeared until it was hauled out for the extra LP that was included in the Long Players 92-99 box set in 2016.

A track that I’d mostly forgotten, maybe it is easily forgettable? With its gentle, pedestrian amble and its langurous guitar, although it is capable of worming its way inside - I listen to it rarely but know it very well.
I just noticed that I’d already posted this back in 2012… and did a much better job of it then too!