A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
New Dean and Britta Christmas single

Carrying on their long tradition of sneaking out seasonal treats Dean & Britta have just released a new digital single.
The single is a cover of John and Yoko’s Merry Xmas (War Is Over) and was recorded by the duo in Los Angeles and mixed by Sonic Boom in Portugal. The b-side (or whatever we call them on a digital single) is the cover of Little Altar Boy that was recorded with Sonic Boom in 2017 and previously only available via Amazon.
All profits from the release are being donated to The Sled an organisation that “assist[s] underprivileged NYC Public School students and their families, most of whom live in shelters or other temporary housing” - so feel free to chuck a few extra pennies in the pot.
The single is available for $1.99 or more over on Bandcamp.
Meanwhile Sonic Boom himself has also released a seasonal single on which he “enlists dear friends, Dean & Britta… for vocal harmonies.”
I Wish It Was Like Xmas Everyday (A Little Bit Deeper) is available on Sonic Boom’s bandcamp with 80% of proceeds going to “Earth Island’s fight for planetary repair and preservation”.