A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
A Head Full of Wishes survey results 2020
The results of the 2020 A Head Full of Wishes survey are in - thanks to the 50 folk who responded from 10 different countries. I have been in touch with the two whose names were pulled out of the hat - if you haven’t heard from me… better luck next time!
You can see the summary results.
I think that after 25 years I’ll probably wrap up the annual survey here. Voting numbers havee been tailing off over the last few years and the results don’t vary too much - althoiugh nice to see new releases turning up and getting votes.
I’ll try and think of some new way for an end of year celebration of all things AHFoW.
Anyway… on to this year’s results.
Galaxie 500
As always On Fire topped the poll, This Is Our Music rallied to tie with Today for second place, perhaps in the wake of people revisiting it on it’s 30th anniversary.
Fourth of July topped the tracks with Blue Thunder and Ceremony following in its wake.

Because it starts magnificently and then keeps getting better.
The band hit a melancholy sweet spot that I love coming back to.
Luna’s first three albums take the vast majority of the votes again with Penthouse, as ever, winning out. 23 Minutes in Brussels is top track, as it pretty much always has been in recent years!

It was my intro to Luna/Wareham - and it turned out to be a great place to start. Tied with so many great memories of the time and the music.
The resonances it has for that time in my life when I listened to it a lot. Also I did listen to it a lot!.
Damon & Naomi
More Sad Hits topped the album poll as always - this year leaving the rest of the pack quite far behind. This Car Climbed Mt. Washington topped the track poll, as it always does - with E.T.A. pushing up behind.

Took the Galaxie 500 baton and dreamily meandered with it!
In 1993 I was searching for anything about Galaxie 500. News traveled slower then. This was like getting a letter from an old friend.
You can see the results for Dean & Britta and Dean solo here - Quarantine Tapes puts in a strong appearance but L’Avventura holds onto the D&B crown comfortably. And Dean’s eponymous album gets most of the votes in that poll.
Summing up
Thanks again to everyone for taking part - and thanks for so many nice things that were said in the comments box. I always say I do this for myself – and that’s mostly true - but you lot make that easier!
Have a safe 2021!