A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Some audio, photos and video from Dean Wareham's recent shows

Over on bittorrent site Dimeadozen, kubacheck has shared a great recording of Firday night's Dean Wareham's show in Washington DC
Bittorrent: Dean Wareham - 2014-04-04: Washington DC
There are also a hatful of photos of the Washington DC show taken by Bob Boilen of NPR over on flickr
Photos: Dean Wareham - 2014-04-04: Washinton DC - Photos by Bob Boilen
Dan has posted a bunch of very splendid videos on YouTube of Dean Wareham's show in Carrboro, NC on Thursday night... I'll post a couple of videos here but head over to YouTube to see the rest:
Video: Dean Wareham - Holding Pattern (2014-04-03: Carrboro, NC)
Video: Dean Wareham - Temperature's Rising (2014-04-03: Carrboro, NC)
Video: Dean Wareham - Tiger Lily (2014-04-03: Carrboro, NC)
You can also see...
Video: Dean Wareham - Indian Summer (2014-04-03: Carrboro, NC)
Video: Dean Wareham - Strange (2014-04-03: Carrboro, NC)
Video: Dean Wareham - Tugboat (2014-04-03: Carrboro, NC)
Some great photos of the show in Atlanta on 1 April by nickmickolas
Photos: Dean Wareham - 2014-04-01: Atlanta - Photos by nickmickolas