A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Galaxie 500 Uncollected Noise New York '88-'90 out today
The lovely double album that mops up (what must be) the last of Galaxie 500’s recorded output is out today and, as well as being in a variety of packages on Bandcamp and in your local independent record shop, is likely turning up on your preferred streaming platform - I’m listening now on Spotify while waiting for my proper copy to arrive from Monorail.

The double album collects most of what was previously released on the Box Set version of Uncollected with a few tracks that have never before seen an official release.
The Enduring Simplicity of Galaxie 500 is a nice piece in the New York Times - that link should get you past the paywall (as a gift link).
Dean Wareham had a nice hour long chat on Temporal Cove w/Smilegoth (Soundcloud link).
Naomi has recorded an interview for Rare Earth on KALX that will be broadcast on Monday.
Galaxie 500 unites behind new archival release in the Boston Globe.