A Head Full of Wishes

A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.

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Video: Damon & Naomi play The Robot Speaks 'unplugged' in Paris

I’ve just come across this nice clip of Damon & Naomi playing The Robot Speaks at their problematic show in Paris last month.

The show was ‘problematic’ because circumstances led to them having to perform their set without a PA. Damon explained things in his Substack:

Emergency lights snapped on by the exits, there was general confusion, and by the time the dust had settled and the house lights came back on that band was gone, leaving everything they had been using on stage. It was now past 10:30pm. The audience complained to the promoter that they had bought tickets to see us and wanted the show to continue. The promoter convinced the venue owner that we were, in contrast to this last band, well under the DB limit set by the neighborhood. And so we were invited to complete the show.
It was now nearly closing time, but since we weren’t going to use the PA, curfew no longer mattered. We set the amps to the lowest possible volume and sang without mics.

Head over to Dada Drummer Almanach for the full story.