A Head Full of Wishes

A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.

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Luna's deluxe Lunapark LP finally on its way

Back in May of last year Run Out Groove records announced a deluxe double LP release of Luna’s first album Lunapark, and started taking pre-orders. Yesterday Run Out Groove posted on their Facebook page that the release would finally start shipping out on the 10th February. 284 days after they started taking pre-orders.

Deluxe Lunapark Run Out Groove mock-up
Deluxe Lunapark Run Out Groove mock-up

It’ll be nice to finaly get this, and it’s been so long since I gave ROG (part of Warner Music Group) my money it’ll feel a bit like it’s free!

Now, I understand that there are delays with vinyl production and ROG admit up front that there’s likely to be an “8 to 10 month” turnaround, but there’s also a cost of living crisis and taking people’s money 284 days before shipping is a pretty sad business practice IMO, and given that ROG is part of The Warner Music Group they didn’t really need our money for so long.