A Head Full of Wishes

A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.

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Dean and Britta guest on the new LP from Raymond Richards

Raymond Richards - A Coaxed Ghost
Raymond Richards - A Coaxed Ghost

Dean and Britta both put in appearances on the lovely new album from Raymond Richards. A Coaxed Ghost has just been released and is available on LP or digitally from Raymond’s Bandcamp:

My good friend David Beach and I talked first about writing an ambient record in 2019, and actually began the making of it at my studio. Pandemic times made it impossible to continue in person, so I hunkered down in my basement and wrote every day for months, collaborating with all my most talented friends to make this record. Beach and I spent long days figuring out what this album would be, and I couldn’t be more proud to finally share it with you. @redrocketsglare on Instagram

Britta sings on the track “House of Girls” and Dean plays guitar on The Rhythm King Rides Again.

Raymond was in Dean’s touring band in 2013/14.