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Extracurricular: Damon Krukowski 'NOT TO BE PLAYED' exhibition

The Carpenter Center for Visual Arts in Cambridge MA is hosting an exhibition by Damon Krukowski called NOT TO BE PLAYED that is described as:
a multifaceted exhibition featuring archival materials, performance, and a publication that together revive an obscure audio recording made by Ezra Pound at Harvard University in 1939. Recorded on the eve of World War II, Pound believed his poem "Sestina: Altaforte"—or "Bloody Sestina," as it came to be known—could incite violence. He was convinced it possessed a persuasive power over the future: several years after making the recording, Pound wrote a letter stating it was "not to be played."
The exhibition opens with a reception on Thursday 8 October at 6pm and runs until 25 October.
NOT TO BE PLAYED at Level 3, Sert Gallery, The Carpenter Center for Visual Arts.